Cooperation with BigPharma – a fashionable slogan or a real chance?

The legitimacy of broad, mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of innovation development between pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and scientists, students, and innovators seems indisputable. And yet, talks about joint, ambitious R&D projects often remain in the declaration phase. Why is this happening and what can be done about it to fully use the potential of BigPharma’s cooperation with the innovation ecosystem?


10.00 >>
moderator: Bartłomiej Grobelski
>> Mikołaj Gurdała, EIT Health

>> “How to present scientific results to entrepreneurs”
Paweł Żołnierczyk, iQurePharma inc.

>> How to cooperate with big pharmaceutical companies based cooperation with Department of Drug Form Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy
dr n. farm. Michał Kołodziejczyk, Medical University of Lodz

>> Cooperation of spin off company (be.Q Sp. z o. o.) with big pharma
prof. dr hab. n. farm. Paweł Szymański, Medical University of Lodz

>> Kelly Gray manager programu OpenInnovation AstraZeneca

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