Biotechnology is a rapidly evolving field with constant advancements and breakthroughs. BioForum facilitates the sharing of information, research findings, and best practices among member companies. This ensures that members stay updated on the latest developments and trends in the industry.
Moreover, BioForum represents the collective voice of its members when interacting with regulatory bodies, government agencies, and policymakers either at National level or European one as member of EuropaBio (more details below). We advocate for policies that support the growth of the biotechnology sector, address industry challenges, and promote innovation.
BioForum organizes conferences, seminars, and webinars focused on current developments in the sector and the evolving competency needs resulting from these changes. For its members, BioForum offers specialized training, courses, and webinars aimed at enhancing the skills and qualifications of employees.
BioForum owns networking and collaboration platform – CEBioForum – for professionals in the field to connect, share ideas, and form partnerships that could lead to joint research projects, co-development of technologies, and knowledge exchange. CEBioForum conferences, held since year 2000, provide companies that are active in the field with opportunities to showcase their products and services to a wider audience, potentially leading to new business opportunities and partnerships.
In order to join the association, it is necessary to complete the membership declaration by the person/s authorized to represent the entity. For more information, please contact us at: zwiazek@bioforum.pl
The Association operates on the basis of the Statute.
- Representation of the biotechnological environment.
- Identification and implementation of activities aimed at the development of the innovative biotechnology industry in Poland.
- Participation in the dialogue in the field of shaping the law and directions of the state policy regarding the functioning of the innovative biotechnology industry.
- Building awareness and knowledge of members of the parliament, government, local governments and representatives of other public authorities on the role and importance of the innovative biotechnology industry in Poland.
- Supporting members of the Union in the process of registration and production of biotechnological products in the European Union.
- Developing permanent contacts and exchange of information between members of the Union.
The BioForum Association became a member of the International Council of Biotechnology Associations (ICBA) as a representative of Polish biotechnology. This is an important step in the development of our organization, enabling us to represent Polish biotechnology internationally.
ICBA brings together associations related to the development of biotechnology from around the world and acts as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience, supports innovation, and carries out activities to create favorable regulatory and business conditions for the industry.
Thanks to its members from around the world, ICBA becomes the voice of the biotechnology sector on the international arena, helping to shape the future of this dynamically developing field. We are proud to represent Poland in this organization to highlight #polishbiotech’s achievements so far.
This membership opens new opportunities for cooperation and exchange of knowledge with leading representatives of the biotechnology industry in the world.
The BioForum association joins the European debate on the future of the biotech industry! The Association of Biotechnology Companies BioForum plans to actively participate in the work of the EuropaBio association. Representatives of BioForum recently participated in a meeting of members of the organization in Brussels, where they had the opportunity to learn about the structure, principle of operation of EuropaBio and personally meet representatives of associated entities. EuropaBio is a European association of 39 biotech companies, 27 national associations and 10 associate members. Every year, the association organizes the European Forum of Industrial Biotechnology (EFIB). The Association represents European biotech before the European Commission and the European Parliament, gives opinions on the emerging legislation in the Healthcare and Industrial Biotechnology sectors. As part of the cooperation, companies associated as members of the BioForum Association can, among others, sit in Working Groups and thus influence European legislation in individual thematic sectors.
The Warsaw Chamber of Commerce is building a strong economic self-government in the region in order to duly represent the interests of the associated entrepreneurs.
In addition, operating since 1990, it supports the associated companies in their efforts to increase competitiveness on the global market.
For this reason, the Association of Biotechnology Companies BioForum joined the WIG, with the aim of expanding the network of cooperation also outside the biotechnology sector.
Through such activities, BioForum takes into account the diversity of needs of member companies in the implementation of projects and international expansion.
The Association of Biotechnology Companies BioForum is a member of the AI in Health coalition.
The Coalition for AI in Health aims to shape the policy for the development of artificial intelligence in the Polish health care system. Its main goal is to create an environment enabling the Polish health care system to quickly and widely use the latest AI achievements. We believe that AI solutions in healthcare should respect the central role of the medical professional in patient care and inspire their trust.
The BioForum Association of Biotechnology Companies is pleased to announce that it has become a member of the Polish Economic Society (PTG). As an organization supporting innovation in biotechnology, BioForum believes that this collaboration with PTG will further strengthen the biotechnology sector in Poland and open new opportunities for cooperation in the fields of science and business.
The BioForum Association together with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency decided to conclude a Cooperation Agreement, the aim of which is to create favorable conditions for the promotion of Poland as a biotechnological center in Europe and in the world.
This cooperation consists in mutual support of activities in the field of undertakings, projects or programs, the purpose of which is to undertake joint initiatives contributing to:
- promotion of the Polish biotechnology sector in Poland and in the world,
- exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of regulation, technology and biotechnology standards,
- promotion of Poland as a center for the development of medical technologies,
- creating conditions conducive to the development of Polish enterprises in the biotechnology industry, in particular by promoting them towards potential foreign contractors present on the Polish market or planning to cooperate with Polish partners.
The BioForum Association has signed a cooperation agreement with the Klaster LifeScience Kraków Foundation.
The LifeScience Kraków cluster was established in 2006 as a cooperation network of institutions and companies from the macroregion of Southern Poland, which were united by common goals and a vision for the development of an innovation ecosystem in the field of biotechnology and life science.
Similar goals led to the formalization of cooperation between the union and the foundation, mainly in the field of events organized by the parties: CEBioForum and Life Science Open Space (LSOS).
Our goal is to support networking in the biotech industry – that’s why we have created a database of biotech companies.
The Association of Biotechnology Companies BioForum has launched an online database polishbiotech.
As the largest association of biotechnology companies in Poland, we are the first point of contact for entrepreneurs in the industry.
We want to co-create the Polish biotechnology community and participate in its development!
Do not hesitate and join #POLISHBIOTECH DATABASE today!
Full name: Association of Biotechnological Companies BioForum
Legal form: employers’ association
KRS: 0000882629
NIP: 7011020205
REGON: 388187704
Registration date: February 10, 2021.
Registered office address: Herbu Janina 5/U03, 02-972 Warsaw, Poland
Bank account number at BNP Paribas: 26 1600 1462 1850 9477 5000 0001